Sen Hongo
some aspirational text here
Blog longevity

Quick, random thoughts, inspired by this article: Making a blog for the next 10 years.

I've had this blog in one manner or another since at least 2016. Previous articles did not survive the transition to the current iteration, but anyway.

Assuming I would like this blog to last the remainder of my lifespan. It would have to survive multiple technological changes.

It? What do you mean 'It'?

The content would have to survive multiple shifts in technologies. That's why when I started working on the original iteration back in 2016, I chose to use a static site generator and store my content in markdown, and also why I've resisted moving to MDX which seems to be popular among many other JS-framework blogs. The current version of this blog is built using Next.js. Before that it was Hugo, and before that it was Wintersmith, and before that it was a couple of gulp scripts. Remember that?

My markdown articles has survived all those transitions. Well, not really, because I deleted them before launching this blog. But the concept of using markdown has survived. The markdown language has also evolved into something called CommonMark.

What about the blog itself? How long will I continue building it with Next.js and deploying it with Cloudflare?

While planning the redesign, I did seriously consider switch back to Hugo, or to something different like 11ty or Astro. I stucked with Next.js because the priority was/is to get it done ASAP so I could focus on Millefeuille and Chubic instead. The code for the blog already exists and works, and I could focus on 'just' designing it.

Maybe when I'm retired from my future riches, I'll switch to back to a more pure SSG like Hugo or whatever comes of it. Or write my own.

some text here explaining what Millefeuille does